hedgehog adventures

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Saturday morning routine

Saturdays are great. It's one of the rare days when Jon has been known to get up before moi. (Of course, these days, Jon's been waking earlier because Fergus favours him for the little love bite treatment the cat affectionately gives to rouse us from sleep.)

Last Saturday, Jon tumbled out of bed, and after ensuring that both cats have been fed, he went to pick up some croissants from Zane's, a croissanterie/boulangerie on Queen Street. He also made a pot of coffee for us.

Sometimes we take our coffees and croissants and the Saturday paper and sit outside on the deck, weather depending of course. But wherever we decide to sit, there is nothing better than savouring a nice cup of milky coffee (the way I take mine) and nibbling a buttery croissant, an apricot danish or pain de chocolat. It's a very civilized way to start the day!


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