hedgehog adventures

Friday, April 29, 2005

Fergus is Found

After 36 hours of roughing it in the bush, Fergus is back in his home. What a relief. He does not know it yet, but Fergus is now grounded for life.

We got a call this morning from Tom, a guy who lives on the other side of the ravine, north of the tracks. He said he spotted Fergus yesterday. Jon and I immediately went over there, armed with Fergus' food (the sound of the food bag being shaken is irresistable for him). When we got to the street, another excited neighbour informed Jon that she just saw him 20 minutes ago! Jon went down one way, I went the other. Tom showed me where he saw Fergus yesterday and I just called out his name, and there he was looking fine and healthy. I scooped him and threw him in the car and after much hugging all around, we said thanks to Tom again and drove off.

On the way back home with Fergus on my lap, I was busy trying to remember what kind of promises I made God in exchange for Fergus' safe return. I'm not sure I can live up to everything I said, but I'm going to be a much nicer person after today.

All is well with the world again.


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