hedgehog adventures

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Synchronized Sleeping

Cinnamon and Fergus seem to be getting along well. Most of the time anyway. There's still the occasional "over-enthusiastic" play (well, okay, more like a fight) -- brief interludes of WWF activity in the house. A little body slamming, a little hopping on each other's backs, a little chase around the living room, punctuated by loud sound effects. But no blood. For as long as there's no blood, I can pretend it's still play.

After more than a year and a bit, I guess they have decided to happily co-exist. They share a litter box, share the same water bowls, and they eat their food side by side. I think they have also worked out the politics of the bed. Cinnie gets the foot of the bed and Fergus gets to cuddle by my side.

There's still the occasional power play on the litter box. Cinnie will use the box, to be followed a few minutes later by Ferg, whether or not he had to go. But hey, for as long as this dominance thing is getting played out in the litter box, I'm okay with that.

A cute scene the other day: I was watching TV and Cinnamon was sleeping on the ottoman, and Ferg was half a metre away on the matching chair. They are at the same level, with the exact same pose -- curled up with chin on paw. With their similar face markings it was very, very sweet to see them like that. Then there was a bit of noise, and Cinnie turned around in the same spot, to be followed a few minutes later by Ferg who also assumed the exact same pose. I wanted to grab a camera but I knew that if I moved, I would have ruined the moment.


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